There are lots of good ways to find leads on Facebook, some are Free i.e Live Videos, Private Messenger, Groups, and Posts. But where the f*ck are all these leads coming from? How in the WORLD do people go from Stranger to Followers TO your page, group, profile?
MY Answer is Simple: their PROFILE is set up to Invite Business Leads.
“What do you mean”, you ask?
Anyone can see you commenting or posting TO a group/thread, OBSERVE your PROFILE and be able to click and view it. If they are interested in LEARNING more ABOUT YOU and what you do, they will check your profile. You want those people who are interested in learning more about you to be able TO CONNECT with you, and if your profile is unable to help them, it can mean a POTENTIAL loss of a lead. Here are the four STEPS you need to check and update TO ENSURE your profile is opening you up for an INCREASE in LEADS AND CLIENTS.
Step 1: Your Profile Picture and Banner
The first thing anyone sees when they click on your profile is your profile picture and your banner image. These images are a great opportunity to teach your audience more about who you are. Behaving like a social post, these images when updated allow you to include descriptions that will show up in your news feed to your friends’ list (and even to your public feed depending on your settings).
When you update these images it automatically creates a post on your profile. This means you can add a link to the images that can lead people to where you would like them to go to learn more about your business. Creating images that say click here on the banner of your profile has become increasingly popular as a tool to let people know there is more information hidden there. Include a link to your latest offer, business page, or group and increase the number of people who are funneled in without you having to send personal invitations.
Your profile image should showcase a picture of your face, not your kids, pets, or significant other. This also helps associate your face with your name, making you easier to spot in groups. Try not to change your profile image too often so people are able to recognize you when you show up over and over again.
Step 2: Your Profile Bio
Your Facebook Bio is a limited 100 character space. You don’t want to waste this section with famous quotes or announcing to the world that you are a wife, mother, business-owner with little emoji’s that say absolutely nothing about what you actually do. What you do want to do with this space is to announce your business title (Business Coach, Copywriter, Style Expert), business tagline, even a link to your website or offer. You get one sentence to convince people you can help them, use it wisely.
Step 3: The Career Section of Your Intro
There should be a work section under the intro to your profile. It should include your title that describes what you do in your business (Business Coach, Marketing Expert, Dog Walker). Under the work section, be sure to give yourself a title and state that you work at “your business page.”
You also have the opportunity to include a website under your profile intro. Whether you have an actual website or even just a Facebook group include the web link for the page you most want potential clients to go and learn more about you.
This is your resume for the online space. If people don’t know what you do how are they supposed to know you are the person they want to do business with?
Step 4: Your Security Settings
If every area of your Facebook page is hidden from the public, how is anyone supposed to find you? Having a certain level of security to keep weirdos from locating where you live is important. However, the areas I am talking about that you likely have protections on and don’t even realize it, are what can be seen from your profiles Intro.
If you are going to lead people from your profile page to your business page you want people to be able to at least view your Bio, website, and work sections underneath your intro.
Double-check your profile settings to ensure these three areas of your Intro is public. You do not have to accept friend requests on your Facebook profile to non-friends or family if you do not want to. You do, however, need to make it easy for people to find the public pages you want them following you on.
YOU can improve your Social Media Game by inviting leads through your Facebook Profile as simple as 1,2, 3 :P!!! . Check out my group The Accidental Entrepreneur and join me on more interesting content. Don’t waste time learning what is a MUST for your business. If you want more amazing tips on how to build and grow a business click here and JOIN US 😉 .